This is our shower door, after years of not being cleaned. My dad, on the other hand, cleans his shower every day. Before even stepping out, he squeegees the water away, leaving clear, sparkling glass every time. I believe this is a true picture of what happens in our minds. When Paul reminds us to, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind," it isn't something that happens once and we're good. It needs to happen all day long. We don't even realize sometimes how clouded our vision becomes -- how we're affected by the hurt of the world, the poison of comparison, the whispers of the enemy, the burdens we place on ourselves -- it so often becomes our daily build-up, casting shadows in our souls. We find ourselves going through the motions, confused, unclear or just plain depressed, and wondering why. We weren't designed to look through scummy glass. God's desire for us is to see the world and ourselves clearly, through the lens of His love. His truth is our squeegee and we need it everywhere to renew us over and over again. Surround yourself with HIs promises! Post them on your mirror, carry them in your purse, memorize them so they'll bubble up when you need them most. As soon as you find yourself feeling foggy, encourage yourself with the truth. Speak it out loud! (I am a child of God,1 John 3:1, I am loved, just as I am, Jeremiah 31:3, I am a light in the darkness, Matthew 5:16, God will give me strength, Isaiah 41:10, God's grace covers me, Ephesians 2:8, Jesus gives me rest, Matthew 11:28, Fear does not control me, Psalm 34:4, This world is not my home, Hebrews 13:14.) Whatever can remind you who you are and Whose you are -- let those words lift you up and keep your vision clear!